Jersey Voice
Emotion Technology serves as social media consultant, outreach and research coordinator, and crisis center consultant for Jersey Voice, a project of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ's University Behavioral Health Care - Traumatic Loss Coalition for Youth Program.
As part of this project, ET launched the Jersey Voice website and social media properties, the inaugural Jersey Voice media festival, and several other online initiatives.

Disaster Distress Helpline
Or Text “TalkWithUs” to 66746
Emotion Technology served as communication/Social Media consultant for the Oil Spill Distress Helpline, which has since been renamed Disaster Distress Helpline. Administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this phone and text number that links callers to behavioral healthcare services after any domestic disaster, and specifically serves as an important resource for the localized oil spill outreach efforts in the Gulf Coast states.

Veterans Crisis Line
1-800-273-8255 and Press 1
Text to 838255
Or Chat online by clicking here
As a prime contractor with Reingold, Inc., Emotion Technology conducted extensive outreach within the Veteran community to identify over 100 Veterans in six cities across the U.S. who were willing to be photographed for a major media campaign promoting the Veterans Crisis Line, which connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring VA responders through a confidential, toll-free hotline and online chat.
Emotion Technology also provided social media planning, implementation, and monitoring for Veterans Crisis Line.

Make the Connection
Emotion Technology worked with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to create photographs and video for the Make the Connection campaign, which encourages Veterans in crisis to reach out for support.
Through its rich community connections and strong relationships with Veterans, Emotion Technology located over 40 Veterans and family members in six cities who were eager to share their stories about overcoming difficult times. ET generated versatile and quality photographs and documentary video footage for the VA's website and other materials.

Crisis Chat
Emotion Technology designed and launched the name, branding, and website for CrisisChat.org (now called Lifeline Crisis Chat), the first major online crisis resource of its kind in the United States. Crisis Chat has now provided essential emotional support and crisis intervention services to millions of people who are depressed, despairing or thinking about suicide. Emotion Technology also filmed a short promotional video to assist in fundraising for CrisisChat service expansion.

Bullying Stops With Us
Emotion Technology advised on and led the social media campaign for the start-up program Bullying Stops With Us, a project of the Sociometrics Corporation. This project works with young people to find the best practices around stopping bullying and violence in schools and communities. Emotion Technology also co-hosted and promoted a contest for young people to submit their ideas and dreams for a bullying prevention program or campaign in their schools and communities.
Diabetes Agent
Emotion Technology created the core content for DiabetesAgent, a project of Academic Edge with support from the National Institutes of Health that provides tools to interactively manage diabetes care on the go. In addition to culling and categorizing over 100+ frequently asked questions, we also recruited, filmed, and photographed portraits of 12 people who wanted to share their stories about living with diabetes, resulting in over 90 short videos organized by theme.
We also hosted a World Diabetes Day event within Second Life, highlighting specific short videos about diabetes and debuting two new short films, one about cooking with diabetes and one comedy video about a diabetic vampire named Doug.